Nicoletti NCC Rome complies with the anti-contagion security protocols agreed with the Government on March 20, 2020, specific for road transport.
Nicoletti NCC Rome, security and anti-Covid measures
Nicoletti NCC Rome complies with the anti-contagion security protocols agreed with the Government on March 20, 2020, specific for road transport, the one of general interest signed on April 24, 2020 which updates, integrates and therefore replaces that of April 14, 2020; it also adopts the organizational measures, of interest to the sector, as advocated in attachment 9 to the Prime Ministerial Decree of 26 April 2020.
In particular:
- In the presence of fever (over 37.5 °) or other flu symptoms, the staff remain at home; in the event of the onset of such symptoms during work performance, it will be immediately declared and care will be taken to remain at an adequate distance from the people present before timely isolation. The use of any workers who have already tested positive for COVID 19 infection, is preceded by "negativeization" of the swab attested by appropriate medical certification.
- The driver wears protective equipment. • Passengers with symptoms of acute respiratory infections (fever, cough, cold) are not allowed to board.
- The seat next to the driver is prevented from being occupied by the passenger.
- On the rear seats, in ordinary cars, in order to respect the safety distances, no more than two passengers will be transported, spaced as far as possible, if equipped with suitable safety devices; otherwise only one passenger will be carried.
- In cars approved for the transport of six or more passengers, models will be replicated that do not require the presence of more than two passengers for each row of seats, without prejudice to the use of masks.
- Although not mandatory, where possible, the cars are equipped with partition walls. • During the trip, the client will be advised to frequently sanitize his hands and avoid touching his face.
- It is not possible to approach the driver.
- The sanitation and sanitation of means of transport is carried out in an appropriate and frequent manner according to the procedures defined in the circular of the Ministry of Health no. 5443 of 22.2.2020.
- The operations concern the parts frequented by travelers and / or workers.
The Circ. n ° 5443/2020, provides that potentially contaminated places and areas are subjected to complete cleaning with water and common detergents. After cleaning, 0.1% sodium hypochlorite is used for decontamination; alternatively 70% ethanol is used.
During cleaning, the ventilation is ensured.